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Plastic Health Summit 2021 - Prof. Dr. Patricia Hunt
Plastic Health Summit 2021 - Dr. Heather Leslie
How Plastic Affects Human Health with Dr. Leo Trasande
Ellen Degeneres is Officially CANCELLED After This Happened...
He Tried To Mess With A Royal Guard & Big Mistake
EAP President Patricia Hunt “The Hope of Psychotherapy for our Endangered World”
Mom Installs Camera, Sees Why She’s Always Tired
He Took A Photo Of His Pregnant Wife, But When He Saw The Photo
If It Were Not Filmed No One Would Believe It
Understanding Bisphenol A and its danger to your health
Microplastics and Human Health: Do we know enough?
CARTA: Humans: The Planet-Altering Apes with David Holway, Oliver Ryder, & Patricia Hunt